Advancing women in leadership

Anyier holds a remarkable blend of experiences and accomplishments that uniquely position her to catalyse the advancement of women in leadership. As the Founder and President of Lead Beyond Education, CEO of Anyier Model Management, and the former Chair of the Australian National Committee on Refugee Women (ANCORW), Anyier has demonstrated her ability to navigate and excel in diverse industries, setting a powerful example for aspiring female leaders.

Anyier’s dedication to empowerment and conquering adversity resonates deeply, inspiring others to embrace their potential and lead with resilience. Through her roles and achievements, she has amassed a toolkit of skills, insights, and strategies that she is fervently eager to share. By placing these tools into the hands of women in leadership, Anyier empowers individuals and contributes to the collective rise of influential, capable female leaders who can shape and reshape the world.

Her journey, rooted in empowerment and shaped by her unwavering determination, is a beacon of hope and inspiration for women aspiring to leadership roles. Anyier’s multifaceted experience and resolve to empower others make her an invaluable asset in advancing women in leadership, creating a legacy of positive change that will ripple through generations.

This keynote session targets a wide range of audiences interested in women’s advancement in leadership and seeking inspiration, guidance, and actionable strategies.